Application Programming Interface

ConPaaS services are composed by a manager and one or more agents: the manager’s role is to oversee the functioning of a specific service. ConPaaS managers are responsible, among other things, for starting up and shutting down ConPaaS agents, which in turn provide the functionality offered by a specific service.

ConPaaS services are created and administered exclusively through an HTTP / JSON Application Programming Interface exposed by a web service called ConPaaS Director. This document provides a description of such an API.

Python API


Let us list the ConPaaS API methods, together with a brief description of their behavior.

POST /new_user

    Create a new ConPaaS user. The method expects the following parameters:

    'username', 'fname', 'lname', 'email', 'affiliation', 'password', 'credit'

    A dictionary of user values is returned upon successful user creation.
    The following dictionary is returned on failure:

     'error': True,
     'msg': 'An explanatory error message'

POST /login

    Authenticates the given user. The following parameters are expected:
    'username', 'password'

    A dictionary of user values is returned upon successful authentication.
    False is returned otherwise.

POST /get_user_certs

    Create and send SSL certificates for the given user. 'username' and
    'password' are the expected parameters. A zip archive containing the SSL
    certificates is returned on success, False otherwise.

GET /available_services

    Return a list of available service types. For example:
    ['scalaris', 'selenium', 'hadoop', 'mysql', 'java', 'php']

POST /start/<servicetype>

    Return a dictionary with service data (manager's vmid and IP address,
    service name and ID) in case of correct service creation. False is returned
    otherwise. Only service types returned by the 'available_services' method
    described above are allowed.

    This method requires the client to present a valid SSL certificate.

POST /stop/<serviceid>

    Return a boolean value. True in case of proper service termination, false
    otherwise. <serviceid> has to be an integer representing the service id of a
    running service.

    This method requires the client to present a valid SSL certificate.

POST /rename/<serviceid>

    Rename the given service. The new name 'name' is the only required
    argument. Return true on successful renaming, false otherwise.

GET  /list

    List running ConPaaS services. Return data as a list of dictionaries
    (associative arrays).

    This method requires the client to present a valid SSL certificate.

GET  /download/ConPaaS.tar.gz

    Used by ConPaaS services. Download a tarball with the ConPaaS source code.

POST /callback/decrementUserCredit.php

    Used by ConPaaS services. 'sid' and 'decrement' are the required parameters.

    Decrement user credit and check if it is enough.  Return a dictionary with
    the 'error' attribute set to false if the user had enough credit, true

    This method requires the client to present a valid SSL certificate of type
    'manager'. The 'serviceLocator' field in the supplied certificate has to match
    the 'sid'.

POST /ca/get_cert.php

    Used by ConPaaS services. The only required argument is a file called 'csr'
    holding a certificate signing request. A certificate is returned.

    This method requires the client to present a valid SSL certificate of type

The first three methods, namely new_user, login and get_user_certs do not need a client SSL certificate to be called.

available_services, start, stop, rename and list all need a valid user certificate in order to be called.

The last two methods are used by ConPaaS managers to decrement users’ credit and create agent certificates. They both need a valid manager certificate to be called.

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